Addiction Blog


It’s hard to know precisely “what to say to someone who relapses” when someone you care about goes through a relapse. Your words can make a big difference by providing warmth and compassion at a trying time. Here are some considerate and kind approaches to talking to the person you love after a recurrence of addiction.

Give Unconditional Assistance

Commence by restating your unwavering support. Let them know you still care about them no matter their obstacles. “I’m right here for you, regardless of what,” one could say. I find great significance in your road to healing.”

Avoid Passing Judgement and Making Accusations

It’s critical to avoid using any language that might be interpreted as essential or accusing. Relapse is a normal part of the healing process and does not indicate moral weakness. Keep this in mind. Stress that, even with the relapse, you still think the same of them.

 Encourage candid communication

Encourage the person you care about to talk honestly about their emotions and struggles. Reassure them that you are available to listen to them sympathetically and without passing judgment. Give them the impression that their thoughts and feelings are necessary and legitimate.

Emphasize Their Internal Fortitude

Inform them about their inner determination and the advancements that they have made toward their recovery thus far. It’s critical to recognize that the efforts they have already made toward recovery are unaffected by this setback.

 Provide Concrete Assistance

Find out where you can help in a practical way. This could be helping them get back in touch with a counselor or their support system. Consider their needs and choices when assisting.

Promote a Future-Oriented Mentality

Encourage them to stop thinking about the relapse and focus on the future and their next action. Offer an optimistic viewpoint, emphasizing how they can proceed from here.

Reiterate the potential of rehabilitation and hope

Reiterate the idea that healing is always possible. Stress that you think they can get past this setback and that this relapse is only a temporary setback on their road to recovery.


Still looking for the answer to: “ What to Say to Someone Who Relapses?” It’s imperative to approach someone who has relapsed with compassion, support, and empathy when interacting with them. You are responsible for providing a secure and encouraging atmosphere so they can express themselves and resume their healing process. Your assistance may help their journey toward recovery and long-term sobriety.

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